Why Is My Fishing Line Curly?
Every angler knows how rewarding a successful fishing adventure can be. But, all anglers don’t become successful at fishing; instead, some face chaos like curls in the fishing lines and wonder why the fishing line is curly.
The causes for tangled fishing lines can be numerous, but the most common is that the bait or hook twists around its own axis. It might also be due to using high-memory lines or a poor drag setting.
So, the causes are distinct, and in this blog post, we have revealed all the possible reasons for your fishing lines to get twisted; plus, we have described how to get rid of curly lines. So, let’s read.
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Some Causes That Make Your Fishing Lines To Curl: Learn About All The Possible Reasons.
If you notice your fishing line is curly or tangled while casting, you know how frustrating it is. So, what causes fishing lines to curl? Let’s explore the reasons.
01. Inappropriate Fishing-Line Installation:
Inappropriate fishing line installation can be one of the reasons for your fishing line to get tangled.

Some newbie anglers often make the mistake of attaching their fishing lines onto spools backward. Thus, when fishing lines come off the spool, they tend to curl.
02. Using High Memory Line:
Fishing lines have a line memory, indicating the shape they retain over time. And too much memory can be another cause for your fishing line to get curly or twisted.
Usually, a monofilament fishing line tends to have high memory foam, and this line is more prone to get twisted regardless of how well you cast offshore.
Hence, you need to go with a low-memory fishing line, especially while casting for the first time. Once you master the skill of casting, you can move on to using monofilament fishing lines.
03. Old Fishing Line:
Old fishing lines tend to soak up more water and loosen up over time. As a result, these lines get curls as soon as you release them from the reel.

Hence, to avert this problem, you shouldn’t use the same fishing line frequently. Instead, you should replace the fishing lines after a week of use.
04. Low Drag Setting:
Curly fishing lines can be caused by low drag as well. If you don’t set your reel’s drag high enough, you just increase the chance of encountering a tangled line during casting.
If you don’t know how low drag can create a mess, here you go. If you set the drag to 10 pounds, it will require more than 10 pounds of force to pull the line from the reel.
In contrast, if you set the drag to 5 pounds, a medium-sized fish can easily pull the fishing line.
Consequently, it will make many slacks on water due to releasing too much line from your spool. And finally, you will get the fishing line tangled.
Thus, an easy solution to this issue is to set your drag high and let the fish battle, and you will always have a straight fishing line.
05. Mismatch Of The Lure & Line:
Mismatch of the lure and line can be another cause for your fishing line to get curly. For example, if you own a light lure while your fishing line is heavy, there is a high chance for your line to get tangled.

The fishing line won’t stay straight if you cast with such a combination of lure and line. Instead, it will help create many slacks on the water, resulting in curly fishing lines.
Hence, we recommend using either heavy lures or light fishing lines to keep the line tight in the water.
06. Inappropriate Bail Position:
Anglers sometimes run their fishing line through the reel guides while still keeping the bail closed.
As a result, when they start reeling the line back in, the line doesn’t remain tight enough as it should be. So, anglers get curly fishing lines.
And to avoid this mistake, anglers should place the bail in the open position when feeding the line through the guides.
07. Casting Against The Wind:
Casting against the wind can be another reason your fishing lines get entwined. When you cast against wind instead of with it, you increase the chance of line loosening as your fishing line will catch more air.
And in the end, the line creates many slacks and curls while casting. Now let’s talk about the solution. You can fix this by repositioning yourself to cast with the wind rather than against it.
The same principle applies when you cast into the water current. During casting against the water current, anglers will have difficulty keeping the line straight.
In short, you should avoid casting against wind and water currents to keep your fishing line tight.
08. Slow Retrieval Of The Line:
Slow retrieval of fishing lines can be a significant cause for making your lines twisted. For example, if you release a huge amount of line off the reel and fight with a light fish, in that case, you need to reel the line back in as quickly as possible.
Otherwise, your fishing line will loosen up and create slacks and curls. In short, fishing lines will be tighter if you can quickly reel them back in. So, these are all the causes for your fishing lines to get twisted.
Which Fishing Lines Are More Prone To Curl?
Some lines, like monofilament, are more likely to curl than others. If you use old monofilament lines or don’t store them properly, these fishing lines become more prone to curling.
Alongside monofilament, braided lines are also susceptible to curl. However, to prevent your lines from curling, you need to store them properly and avoid frequent use of the same fishing lines.
How Can Line Curls Affect Your Fishing Experience?
Line curl is a common issue that anglers face when fishing, and it can be caused by several factors, including poor reeling technique, using the wrong type of line or reel, or simply the way the line is stored.
Line curl can significantly affect your fishing experience, making it difficult to cast accurately and retrieve your lure or bait. In extreme cases, line curl can even cause your fishing line to break.

But fortunately, you can follow a few techniques to prevent or reduce line curl. First, make sure that you are using the correct type of line and reel.
Second, practice good reeling techniques; for instance, try to avoid yanking the line when you are reeling in. Finally, store your line correctly to avoid tangled or kinked lines.
Apart from all these techniques, we have included some other effective methods below to help you get rid of a curly line. So, let’s read.
How To Straighten Curly Fishing Line: A Definitive Guide.
Literally, no angler will prefer dealing with curly, tangled fishing lines. But unfortunately, if you ever experience such an event, you can follow a few simple tricks to straighten out your fishing line and keep it tangle-free.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of a curly fishing line is to run it through your fingers a few times simply. This will help your line loosen up any knots or tangles and make working with fishing lines easier.
You can also try holding the line’s one end in one hand and running your other hand down the fishing line’s length. By doing so, you will stretch the line out and can straighten your line effortlessly.
If your line has some severe curls, you may need to use a tool to help you get the knots out. In this case, you can utilize a crochet hook or a small pair of pliers.
After choosing the perfect tool, you can insert the tool into the knot and gently pull it apart. Once the knot is loosened, you can easily straighten out your line.
Now, let’s talk about what you need to do if you find that your fishing line is still curly after trying these methods.
You can try soaking the fishing line in hot water for a few minutes, and it will help relax the fibers so that you can easily straighten the line.
However, make sure that you don’t leave your line in hot water for too long, as it can make your fishing line weak.
So, these are some practical tips you can follow to keep your fishing line straight and tangle-free all season long. With a little bit of care, you can enjoy many worry-free days out on the water.
Anyway, now let’s describe some added and professional tips you can follow to reduce curl in your fishing line.
Additional & Professional Tips To Reduce Fishing Line Curls:
You can follow these techniques mentioned below as soon as you notice your line just starts to curl. First, make sure that you are spooling your line correctly.
When you put a new line on your reel, start by spooling in the direction that the spool’s arrow points. In this way, you can reduce the amount of line that gets wound around the spool.
Additionally, try using a different type of knot when you tie your line to your lure. Some knots are more likely to cause line curl than others.
Finally, make sure that you are regularly cleaning and lubricating your reel. A dirty or dry reel can also contribute to line curl.
By following these tips, you can help keep your fishing line in better condition and reduce the amount of curl.
How To Store Your Fishing Line Properly To Avoid Line Curls:
Before getting into the correct way to store fishing lines, let us tell you that many anglers tend to wrap their lines around spools or something similar and place fishing lines in a tackle box to store. But you should avoid this procedure.
Instead, you should follow different storing ways depending on the fishing line types to avoid line curls. So, let’s discuss those methods briefly.
If you have a braided or fluorocarbon fishing line, you can simply coil it up and store it in a tackle box or other container. But if you have a monofilament fishing line, you need to use a silicon-based lubricant before coiling it up.
It will help prevent the line from curling. After lubricating your fishing lines, you should store them in a container with a tight-sealed lid.
Last but not least, try to store your fishing lines in a dark room away from sunlight and high-temperature as high heat can make your fishing lines loosen up.
So, these tips will help you keep your fishing line in good condition and let you avoid any unwanted tangles.
1. How Do You Keep A Fishing Line Tight In Water?
To keep your fishing line tight in water, you need to ensure that you have the correct weight of line for the fish you are after. Then, ensure the use of a heavy lure, and lastly, keep your reel tightly wound.
2. How Do You Spool A Reel Without Line Twist?
First, make an appropriate knot on the line’s one end. Then, pull it through the fishing rod’s eyelet and attach it to the reel. Afterward, start spooling the line from the unspinning spool. Finally, maintain a slow and even spooling speed.
Final Words:
Fishing is a mesmerizing adventure unless you face difficulties like curly fishing lines. Although professional anglers consider getting tangled lines a typical event, some newbie fishers start panicking when they notice curly lines. They panic as they don’t know how to get rid of the situation.
But luckily, you have read our article, and you won’t panic whenever you get curls on your fishing lines. You know how to straighten those lines and take good care of them. That’s all for this content; stay in touch by following us on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. Happy Casting.