Is Fishing In The Rain Good For Catching Trout?
Rain always brings extra water that affects the surface and creates the current. Fish have a knack for sensing passing fronts, temperatures, and water pressure. Fishing in the rain tangles anglers into situations that help them determine whether or not it’s a good idea to catch trout in the rain.
In this article, we’ll discuss why rain matters in fishing focusing on trout as the game fish of choice. In addition, you’ll have a thorough idea about success in the pursuit.
How Does Rain Affect Fish and Our Favorite Trout?

Fish have their preferences when it comes to weather patterns. Rain is not equally preferred by all species.
Some take it as the chance to bunk deeper down underwater while fish that live on insects tend to greater feeding opportunities.
Try to keep a couple of factors in mind here:
- During or immediately after a little shower, insects find their way near the water surface. This draws the attention of insect-eating fishes and make them more willing to bite.
- Rain flushes certain organic matters out into a water body giving certain species their reasons to come close to the surface for feeding.
But, why do fish become overly interested in eating when rain is ongoing? Why can’t they just avoid gorging out on what’s available and edible? Well, the answer qualifies for a little bit of explanation in this regard.
When the precipitation features a temperature that is higher than that of the water, it creates warm fronts which cause the metabolism of the fish to get not only turned on but also facilitated. Such a state of health supported by weaker winds and lower water pressure drives them to an aggressive feeding desire that continues until reaching satiation.
If the rain accompanies a temperature that’s colder than that of the water, the flip side of the coin appears, meaning that the fish may become less inclined to biting or even feel discouraged to set their feeding drive in motion in the first place.
So, the rain has an impact on fish behavior. But, do all these have anything to do with trout? Of course, they do because trout behave like any other type of fish facing the rain and more zealous in their search for food.
Two points are relevant here:
1. Trout’s Vision: Trout can use their eyesight to catch different directions simultaneously. Their excellent vision gives them the chance to capture all available directions at once.
While doing trout fishing clear water, you’ve a very slim chance to stalk a brown trout or steelhead because they’ll be able to feel your presence and whatever fishing line you cast. A little rain that may cause the water to have some color in it can make a big difference in your trout fishing endeavor.
2. Eating Habit: Trout have a consistent appetite backed by their opportunistic approaches to forage for 80% of the day. They count heavily on insects with cravings for crustaceans and mice.
Rain washes plenty of nightcrawlers from nearby bushes and other insects from overhanging branches and twigs into the water. Even minnows, one of the trout favorites, come out into the surface from their cover underwater.
As all these happening during/right after the rain, trout happen to feel that they need to start biting more frequently as their time to feast has just started.
So, is fishing in the rain good? Well, it’s never better if you can do it the right way and with adequate knowledge.
5 Trout Fishing Tips for Every Trout Lover

When it’s trout fishing you’ve in mind, be prepared to embrace the challenge and fun that come with it. They fight hard and hide in variable locations adding to anglers’ troubles finding them. Rain is there to make the job easy, but a downpour may do quite the opposite.
See? The idea of fishing in the rain for trout isn’t pretty simple, which is why you need to know where to find them, what it takes one to catch them, and what to remember for a delightful and safe angling experience.
1. Where to Look for?
Both moving and still waters make habitats for trout. Ideal bodies of water include lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams that are clean and cool offers plenty of foods, such as aquatic insects, crustaceans, crawfish, minnows and have plenty of protection from preying creatures.
Now, you need to find out where exactly trout live in the water.
In trout fishing lakes or ponds, fish remain on the move for food without going too far from their hiding. So, anywhere above or near some aquatic vegetation, around logs, rocks, solid structures, stumps, and deep regions is good.
Streams and rivers are also good habitats where there’re rocks, steep/undercut banks, deep and slow pools. In these places, trout don’t have to toil much for food as the current is there to help them. They usually stop at a certain point, especially the one having a surface with bumps/riffles over it due to water flowing over embedded river rocks or boulders.
2. When to Start?
The time before a storm or mornings with cloudy skies often create low-light conditions which give anglers an edge in catching trout. Hatches are also in order as pre-storm situations start surfacing.
3. Which Baits and Lures to Choose?
As far as rain fishing for trout is concerned, you ought to rely on different lures which include dry flies, nymphs, spinners, and streamers. Choosing among these options is an in-depth learning curve itself. For a quicker selection, remember these rules:
- Anything you pick has to match the available hatch.
- Dark-colored lures are always preferable over other patterns because their richer contrast against overcast skies makes them more visible to the trout eyes.
- Choose your lure considering the depth and condition of water plus the size of the insect you want to be imitated.
#Dry Lures: While choosing dry flies, you’ll be presented with at least 3-4 dozens of patterns. Not all of them are best for your desired ‘trout’ hunt. Some popular patterns are Blue Winged Olive, Foam Flies, Griffiths Nat, Sparkle Dun, Terrestrial Flies, etc.
#Nymphs and Streamers: Since fishing nymphs (an artificial imitation of sub-aquatic trout food) prove to be highly productive for a hatch, you may have rigs consisting of 2-3 patterns as a single nymph fly. Try to get nymphs that look as much natural as the real aquatic insects because trout have a strong visual sense, and you don’t want to set them off.
When nymphs don’t work anymore, you can get some streamers into action. Common colors are black, olive, tan, and white. The ones with olive patterns work better in a rainy atmosphere. Use large streamers while fishing under heavy rainfall.
#Trout Spinners: Spinners are a no-brainer when you can’t cast with ease but want to catch a ton and the rain is far beyond the usual limit. Blade types and patterns are crucial. Among the three styles, center spin blades are ideal for cold water fishing while French blades are good for fishing deep and willow leaf style works great in moving waters.
#Trout Bait Fishing Options: 4 examples of baits are popular with trout enthusiasts. They’re artificial aquatic worms, powerbaits, insects, and salmon eggs. Choose anything depending on their ability to receive responses from the fish, but don’t ignore the need for their looks to be natural.
4. What to Include on Your List of Gear?
Trout aren’t too small to be ignored. So, the rod and reel you choose have to be strong and designed with your preferred attributes. Don’t go indifferent to your bobbers and bait hooks as well. Remember that a bag of good gear is what proves useful, no matter wherever you go.
5. What About the Outfit?
Whether you fish trout or anything else, the value of high-quality outfit (jackets, boots, gloves, hats, etc.) isn’t going to be any less. Make sure the clothing and other wearable items you choose has the following qualities.
- Waterproof properties
- Proper design and features to keep you comfortable and warm
- Well-crafted components and balanced weight to allow you for flexibility for prolonged fishing
- Strong enough to withstand day-long rain and waste matters
Are You Ready for a Downpour?
You can’t complain against a heavy rainfall that might occur on most rainy days. Water enters the stream in plenty causing the level to rise with the current to strengthen. So, you can barely take advantages of the surface bumps or riffles. Should you stop fishing right away?
You can do better by switching the position of the flies! Your target areas should be the pockets or eddies with slack water that allows trout to cope with the changing stream conditions. For other kinds of fish, anywhere with slow water should be ideal. For spinners, larger sizes like #2/#3 are recommended by experienced anglers.
Trout Fishing After Rain
When it stops raining and you’re on a river or lake trout fishing journey, you have to take slightly different approaches like using various angles while approaching a hole and looking beyond the trails frequented by fellow fishers.
It all starts with the identification of the most common feeding places where your precious trout would be available. The areas can be undercut banks, deep holes with both ends accessible, and other shallow areas. Follow these tips for better fishing.
- It’s wise to wade upstream and approach the target from its tail.
- Keep making upstream casts across the current so that you can bring the lure across and down comfortably. As the lure gets tumbled along with the water current, the trout consider it as a meal to bite.
- If you’re fond of trolling for trout in the rain, do it a little quicker because of abundant commotion in play and you don’t want your lure to move too slow to catch the attention of the game fish. Pick your troll up lightly.
- While trying lake trout fishing after rain, you may need to have the bait in deeper water as some trout tend to stay low. However, keep your bait away/off the bottom.
Understand the Trout’s Tendency to Bite
Trout are of different kinds with distinguished biting preferences.
- Brook and rainbow trout are known to bite a lure that goes downstream or upstream following the current.
- While catching brown trout in the rain, especially the big ones, the lure has to be pulled upstream in line with the current.
- For a trophy trout, your spinner should tumble downstream following the current.
Fishing in the Rain Tips

Whether fishing trout or bass, you should have the following recommendations in mind as long as you have plans on fishing in the rain:
- Fishing immediately before the storm arrives is what experts believe the best course of action just as you’re advised to do for trout.
- Since all species aren’t as efficient as trout when it comes to vision, you can choose colorful baits and tackles that make noise at the required level. Choose either popping corks or crankbaits.
- If the fish you’re trying to catch become pretty busy feeding, a quick retrieve can be used. You may also experiment your action using variable speeds to get the right one.
- Going as deep as just a few feet under the water surface is enough when you’re fishing in rain.
- Don’t forget to study the weather as rainy days can be beset with lightning, a life-threatening occurrence. Learn the safety rules thoroughly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
01. Is Trout Fishing Good After Rain?
Answer: Yes, and for a number of reasons! With foods being profusely available and the favorable water temperature, trout become almost an easy catch. Here’s a guide to water temperatures for you to remember before taking on a trout challenge.
- Brown Trout: 52-73 Degrees
- Brook Trout: 48-65 Degrees
- Lake Trout: 42-55 Degrees
- Rainbow Trout: 50-65 Degrees
02. Is It a Good Time to Go Fishing After It Rains?
Answer: The time after rain and no lightning is a great opportunity for anglers with a variety of preferences and skill levels. Apart from catching trout, one can try bagging bass, redfish, and salmon. One important thing to consider is the condition (temperatures) of water and daily feeding times that can be variable for different species.
Here’s a quick list to check out:
- Bluegill and Crappie: 65-75 Degrees
- Largemouth Bass: 60-77 Degrees
- Muskellunge: 55-73 Degrees
- Northern Pike: 55-75 Degrees
- Pumpkinseed: 67-78 Degrees
- Salmon (Coho/Silver and Chinook/King): 44-60 Degrees
- Smallmouth Bass: 58-71 Degrees
- Walleye: 53-72 Degrees
- Yellow Perch: 55-72 Degrees
03. Is Fishing Good in Rain?
Answer: Rain, in the words of many anglers, provides anglers with the best chance to fish huge! Despite the natural advantage of fishing while it’s raining, it may not be as good as mentioned above if:
- you’re afraid of a little rain
- you have a very vague idea about the rainy day challenges
- a collection of not-so-good quality gear is your resource
- you don’t like bright colors for baits and lures
04. Is It Smart to Fish in the Rain?
Answer: Yes, it is as long as you’re willing to proceed with these tips.
- Targeting fish that stay about 5 feet under the water surface
- Staying informed of the things to do in the face of lightning or other obstacles
- Knowing when to stop fishing for the day
- A few guided fishing trips prior to going all alone (for beginners only)
- Having patienc
05. What Do You Catch Trout With?
Answer: For catching trout, you need a pack of high-quality fishing gear that consists of several tools like:
- A lightweight spinning/spin casting rod (6 feet preferable)
- A matching reel
- A monofilament line (4-6 pound desirable)
- A set of spinners (1/16 oz. on most occasions)
- A set of bait hooks (Size 8 preferable)
- Red or white bobbers (at least 2)
- Power Eggs or PowerBait and Worms
- 5 lead split shot (a whole package)
06. How to Catch Trout in a Pond?
Answer: It’s a job that requires discipline, attention, and knowledge. Follow the rules below for a solid understanding.
- Use a bobber to suspend your bait underneath.
- Add some PowerBait.
- Use small lead weight above your hook, so the bait sinks.
- Use a bobber above the hook (1 ½ to 3 feet would be good).
- Cast your line out to the target spot and see the bobber to dive.
- While fishing deeper, send the bait to the required depth without employing a bobber. But, don’t touch the bottom.
- Allow your spinner to stay sunken for a minute or two before starting to retrieve it.
07. How to Fish for Rainbow Trout in a Lake?
Answer: The techniques for catching trout and a Rainbow variant barely imply any difference. But, there’re still points to notice. Here’s a list of dos and don’ts to help you with catching rainbow trout in a lake.
- Knowing about the seasons: During spring and fall, Rainbow Trout come out to the surface or reside under shallow water. During summer and winter, they tend to deeper.
- Gear: A monofilament line (2-4 lbs.), hooks (#4-#8), earthworms/plastic worms, and a basic ultralight fishing rod should be good. No floats are necessary.
- For fishing in a large lake, the rod and reel need to be heavier (medium is good)
08. Can You Catch Bass Is the Rain?
Answer: Yes, you can. Bass needs more oxygen to breathe, a demand addressed by rain. Also, a rainy atmosphere makes them easily predictable and even easier for anglers to catch them.
09. Do Fish Know When It’s Raining?
Answer: Yes and no! It’s perhaps safer to say that fish act in certain ways during rain rather than telling that they know it’s raining. Since the water temperature and the barometric pressure undergo changes, the swim bladder of a fish experiences some kind of effects (both positive and negative depending on their locations and biological condition). Low pressure is conducive to most species as they can perform best under such condition.
Final Words
Now that you’ve got loads of information about the connection between trout fishing and rainfall, hopefully, you have the most legible answer to your question “is fishing in the rain good?” For Anglers who care a lot about fishing trout, we’ve added some quick suggestions in the following FAQ.
We can always offer more. Just ask us!
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