Is Braided Line Good For Spinning Reels?
For anglers, it is a must to choose the best lines and reels. I found some of the anglers prefer the updated one but I think you should always prefer that which is quality based for you.
There are many kinds of lines you can use for spinning reels but here I will tell you why it is good to use braid on spinning reels and is braided line good for spinning reels?
So, here we are-
Braided fishing lines are from the ancient 1900s. Back then it was a famous and most used line. But still, it has the same value to some anglers. These lines are generally made from cotton and linen which are natural fibres. The Microfibers of lines make a bundle or strands to build the main braided fishing line. These braided lines have so many characteristics. Some of them are-
- low resistance to abrasion
- high knot strength
- very flexible
- lack of stretch
- slippery surface
- High durability
For the low abrasion resistance, sometimes the very sharp objects can cut the braided fishing line. For the high knot strength, high durability and flexibility, the braided fishing line is still as popular as before it was. The less stretch of a braided line makes fishing rigs sensorial for fish bites. Sometimes it is hard to knot because of its slippery surface.
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Can You Put A Braided Line On A Spinning Reel?
Although the braided fishing line is said to be perfect for baitcasting reels, it can be used successfully with many types of reels, such as spinning reels. And it is excellent to use braided lines on spinning reels because there are so many reasons for it.

For me, the main reason is it can eliminate line twisting. I have experienced some other lines like the mono or fluorocarbon line but sometimes I got troubled by getting twists in my line and I thought it was very troublesome for anglers. But when I started to use braided lines on my spinning reels then I found out that it’s good to eliminate line twisting.
I found the braided line has so many more benefits than other lines. They are the extremely strong ones. You can use the braided line for some years because of its high durability. Also, a braided line is easy to use on spinning reels.
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Are Braided Lines Best For Spinning Reels?
As for spinning reels, a braided line can provide the most comfortable and good feedback though it also has some drawbacks.
Therefore, you can use braided lines much longer on spinning reels easily than fluorocarbon or monofilament lines for the same strength. If you want fishing in the deep sea then this braided line on spinning reels provides the long line benefit.

You can’t take a big reel but you can take a long line like a braid for the deep water. For this, braid is good for spinning reels. On the other hand, for the deep sea, you should not use very thin braided lines because they can’t provide more resistance to sea currents.
Also little stretch is important for deep-sea fishing and the time of gentle bite with targeting fish. But it is possible to break the line frequently by hard-hitting fish for the less stretch of braided line. For this, you have to set the drag on reels on very low values.
When Should You Use The Braided Fishing Line?
When you are fishing in an area of heavy weed or rapid current then that time you should use braided fishing line because of its slippery surface, flexibility and strength.
Also for some fishing techniques, the braided line is suitable enough.

In rough structures, it is best to use because of its unbreakable and long term durability character. Most of the anglers prefer braided line for finesse fishing situations. This braided line is ideal for fishing small lures in even windy conditions for the low stretch and sensitive feature.
The versatile type is the greatest option in most of all fishing conditions which can come from the braided line. Also in other special situations, the braid fishing line works very well. There are some techniques such as finesse, punching and flipping, frogging etc which are perfect for braided lines.
- For finesse: Minimal stretch and sensitivity of braided line make fishing with small lures. Your experience will be better for lightweight balance in finesse technique.
- Flipping and punching: While fishing in a field of vegetation or a place of lily pads, or stumps, hydrilla, water hyacinths, through matted grass, the braided fishing line can set the hook and muscle the fish to the boat before throwing the hook. This line will allow an angler to catch fish without any interactions with other plant stems under the water.
- Frogging: For frogging, all you need is a round profile which will make less drag in the water and the braid has this profile. And this round profile is also responsible for setting the hook faster.
When You Shouldn’t Use The Braided Line
With spinning reels, there are also some disadvantages of braided fishing line. Sometimes while snagging, it is difficult to break it. For the cost, from all other lines like mono or fluoro, the braided line is more costly. Sometimes it can also put some more stress on your spinning reels and can prematurely wear or breakage.

On the other hand, braided lines are highly visible in water that can cause the line fish to run away from it and cause some problems for a few kinds of fish and it is very difficult to untangle if it’s backlashes. For being a very strong line and slippery, it is hard sometimes to cut. For it, you have to use a very sharp object.
Other problems are when there is lots of wind then it’s difficult to handle it because it can create a knot while heavy wind. If you use it at that time then you should be careful. For these, you can use a thicker line to protect from knots.
What Size Braid Should I Use On A Spinning Reel?
When it comes to choosing the size, there is no exact choice. The braided fishing line has a little diameter. For 4000 medium size spinning reels, you can use a braid of 8-20lb (3.5-9kg). For different techniques, you can choose different sizes of braided line on your spinning reels like for finesse it is perfect to use a 10 lb to 15 lb thin diameter braid.

From the size and diameter, there is a big difference between mono and braid. Like, a 30 lb braid has the same diameter as an 8 lb mono. If you say, Is 10lb braid stronger than 10lb mono? Then the answer is braid is stronger though it has a very slender diameter.
Nowadays, new updates of braided lines are coming to market but it’s quite expensive to use. So, as for the braided fishing line in the end I can say it’s not the perfect one for a beginner Fisher but very good for advanced anglers.