How To Put Line On A Spincast Reel?
How to put line on a spincast reel? Changing lines on a spincast reel is part of a fisherman’s daily life and routine.
While simple, it is of utmost importance to properly remove and add a new line, as the line that is put incorrectly can cause a problem when fishing, such as breaking when wrapped in a fish or a line bird’s nest to form on the reel.
Once you learn how to do it, the process is child’s play and simply requires patience.
In this article, we’re going to explain in details how to put line on a spincast reel easily for the beginners.
So, let’s GET STARTED!
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Put Line On A Spincast Reel

Before setting the fishing rod, wrap the fishing line on the reel. When connected to the pole, the coil is located near the top of the handle of the fishing rod.
The coil holds the excess line used when casting your bait in the water. Putting a line on the reel is an easy process, but it must be done correctly to avoid tangling in the line.
Follow the following procedures:
#Put off the cover from the reel: The spincast reel comes with a cover. Simply unscrew the cover and open it wide.
#Remove any old line: Completely remove any old or existing lines on the coil. Take out a new line spool and hit a pencil through the center. Find a small bowl and fill it halfway with water. Place the pencil across the edges of the tub. Allow the line spool to just touch the water so that the row brushes over it.
#Place the line: Pull the end of the line a few feet. Place the end through the last eye on the rod. Push it through the center of the spincast coil, then push it to the bottom and pull out the other side of one foot. Wrap it around the reel twice and tie in a double knot. Cut off any excess lines at the end.
#Tighten: Hold the rest of the line between the thumb and forefinger. Tighten the resistance. Slowly reel in line. Pay continuous attention to applying pressure to the line.
#See the coil: Make sure the line goes smooth on the coil and does not aggregate on one side. Continue to reel the line until the new reel is empty or the reel is full.
#Complete the task: Pull the end of the thread through the eyelets on the rod. Pull out one foot or so and connect the lure or hook. Hook the hook on the eye of the stem, and tighten the line.
#Remove the excess: Cut the excess line, if there is any. Close the cover and tighten the screw.
The steps mentioned above may seem a bit complicated but trust me once you have understood the procedures, it will be easier.
Basically, in short, the procedures are, take off the cover, take the line through the cleft, tie it to the arbor, cut the extra part and close the cover. That’s it. Your gear is good to go.
Advice And Warnings For Line On A Spincast Reel
- Do not replace with the old line unless you flatten and iron the line first.
- Be careful while performing this action because it can cut your finger or hurt you.
- Wear a glove if necessary while doing this.
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Some Factors To Keep In Mind [Line On A Spincast Reel]
#Choose The Ideal Line: Choosing the ideal line can be tricky. Choosing among the monofilament line, fluorocarbon line and braided line depends wholly on what type of water you are fishing in.
Monofilament lines are very suitable if you are using live bait. They are also good for a jig or floating baits. These are straight single-strand lines that add stretch to the line having an amazing effect on fishing.
Fluorocarbon lines are very thin and reactive to light that fish underwater is unable to see it. So they are very suitable for shallow calm and crystal clear water.
These fluorocarbon threads are much like monofilament lines, so jig, live bait, and floating baits can be used very easily.
Braided lines are the most heard ones. They are made by two or more single lines braiding together to make one. They are relatively heavier and sink slowly. They are visible in clear water, so use them carefully. Not to mention, they can create greater casting distance.
#Keep The Tension In Mind: Keeping the tension medium is very important. Usually, this is done by holding the line with the thumb and forefinger of the hand that is free. If this tension is not maintained, i.e. a loose tension may result in over-wrapping.
Nylon mono-filament lines need less tension than braided or micro-filament lines.
Frequently Asked Questions
01. What color line is good for spincast reel in clear water?
Answer: Usually fluorocarbon lines are used for crystal clear water as they are thin and light reactive. Whereas the color is considered, green or camouflage lines are good to go because they can blend in the surroundings and very hard to see.
02. Why should I use a spincast reel?
Answer: Because of the versatility. The spincast reel can handle any types of lines. The lines are easy to use. Also, spincast reels are suitable for all kinds of baits from live to floating.
03. How long does a line lives without losing its edge?
Answer: That depends on the material of the line. For example, monofilament lines are durable for more or less 2 to 3 years. Where fluorocarbon lines have a longer shelf life of 7-8 years without losing the edge. For braided lines, they also last for almost 7-8 years.
Final Verdict
We hope by now you have a clear idea of how to put line on a spincast reel. The key to a fun and enjoyable fishing experience is a perfectly lined fishing reel.
Initially, how hard it may seem, it will become easier eventually. Changing line every year or every couple of year is very important as the lines fade away from sunlight and regular use. Usually, twice a year is recommended if you are a regular and hardcore angler. But if you are just an amateur, replacing the line once a year would be good enough.