How To Put Flies In A Fly Box: The Best Guide
Hey, Everyone, Today’s topic is – how to put flies in a fly box!
Fishing is something more than a hobby. If you just go out for fishing but unable to catch one, then I guess fishing gets you bored and probably you won’t find it enjoyable.
But tell you what! Fishing can bring you much more happiness if you know some basic of it. Like: Flies that you wish to use to catch them. I think it is very important.
The selection of correct fly, how to put flies in a fly box, how to organize them, how to use flies to catch more fish is a comprehensive fishing strategy you need to know. Among them, the first key is choosing the right fly.
If you failed to choose the correct fly, all the fly selection knowledge gone wasted. Actually, we are here to assist you to explore all the basic you may want to know.
Today this free guide will help you to know about: How you can select the correct fly and How to put/organize the flies in a box.
Fundamental Tips on Put & Organize Flies in a box

There are so many varieties of flies are available in the market.
The individual has different sizes, colors, patterns, various types of emulations and more factors that need to be considered. There are a lot of ways you can sort the flies.
Here’s the deal of organizing. I suggest you put the flies in a box and organize them in such a way so that you can easily find them whenever you need them.
Guide 1: How to Put Flies and Arrange them in a Box
Organize what you cannot remember. If you have a strong memory and know all your flies’ names, are able to recognize them as their sizes and weights or simply just look at them, then you probably don’t need to put them inside a specific box and organize them.
To organize your files, create a structure in the box which allows you to remember what type the flies are and what can they do for you on the river.
Like what type of flies, you need to feed the trout in order to catch them.
Handy Hint: To read more about fishing box, visit our other article about wooden fly box
Guide 2: How to Put Flies and Organize them in a Box

If you can’t remember your flies imitates, then here’s another solution for you.
The simple solution we will suggest you that, Put the flies according to on the types of flies which have the same patterns (like parts rubber legs which is named “stonefly”, Zebra Midge: named as “midge”).
Although if you have a huge number of flies, but if you put and arrange them in such a way, hope you will find your flies very quickly as you need.
To put them such a way, you should follow the tips:
01. First thing of the question “How to put flies in a fly box” is, “Always use a fly box that fits the flies properly”. Don’t use some sort of tiny boxes which are unfit for the flies you own. We Recommend you to use midge boxes and large streamer boxes.
If you also have anything in between those sizes, you can use it to put the flies. You can find some box in the market which has slit foam. They are actually fine to fit most patterns of flies. Remember, Use the right box for the right size of flies and go fishing.
02. Keep the flies together according to their color.
Put the Flies in a Box and Organize the Fly Boxes

Generally, there are many ways you can put the flies correctly and to arrange or organize the fly boxes that you can follow.
This free guide will show you some organizing process of flies.
Go through the full guide, then decide how should you arrange your own flies:
- Put flies by Fly Type
- Organize flies by Imitation
- Put flies by Their Pattern Type
- Organize flies Similarity and Weight
- Organize flies by Seasons
- Organize flies by Water Type
- Organize flies by Fish Target
- Organize flies by Your Own Choice.
01. Put flies by Fly Type

Consider that, you have a big number of flies with different varieties. But all the flies won’t fit in a fly box. What you should then?
The best solution at this point is, put the flies according to their type. It is the easiest organizing system. Putting flies by their type means you’ll have a specific box for a specific fly.
Like a specific box for the dry flies, a specific box for nymphs, a specific box for streamers, as well as a specific box for bass poppers or terrestrials’ flies.
Although, you can also put the dry flies and nymphs into a single box. Streamers and bass poppers into a box. If you use just one fly box, scaled down the box section by putting dry flies, nymphs and other flies you have separately.
Again: Always remember to use the right box for the right flies.
02. Organize flies by Imitation
Organizing flies by imitation or emulation means, putting flies by their names, types, and stages of insects they mimicry.
Like: If you have Parachute Adams, Tan Hares Ears, Black Hares Ears.
You can put Parachute Adams on the first row of the box because they have the same color and they emulate a variety of mayflies. Then, you can put the Tan hares’ ears on a row and black hares on another row.
03. Put flies by Their Pattern Type
This is the best organizing guide that actually has many different pattern’s flies. You can categorize them into four categories and organize them based on their pattern type.
The four categories are:
01. Imitative Patterns Type Flies:
Imitative Patterns Type flies look like just an insect.
02. Attractive Patterns Type Flies:
Attractive Patterns Type Flies category already defines how the flies should look like. Flies that are chic and looking more attractive to attract fishes.
03. Search Patterns Type Flies:
Search Patterns Type Flies look like various insects and search out for fishes.
04. Impressionistic Patterns Type Flies:
Impressionistic Patterns Type Flies look like very few similar types of insects.
04. Organize flies Similarity Profile and Weight
If organizing your flies according to their pattern type is quite difficult for you, you always have options.
You can put your flies by their similarity profile and their weight in a fly box.
To organize your flies according to their profile, the only thing you need the know about what the flies pattern imitates and the relation between the imitates to the insects that are being fed to search trouts.
You can put your flies according to their similarity profile and their weight. If you arrange them in that way, you will get a variety of option to choose the correct imitates. Organizing nymphs by their weight actually help to choose the flies for the right depth of trout.
05. Organize flies by Seasons
Putting flies by seasonal purpose allows you to add a verity of flies into each box. By which, you will have summer flies for summertime, spring flies for springtime.
This organizing method is very effective. Want to know, why?
Because, when the season changes, this generally affects the available insect species and also change the habits of fishes.
That’s why if you organize your flies box considering all the changing behavior of fishes and species, it can assume you can fish more. Besides, you don’t need to carry many boxes, pick up the matching seasonal fly box and run for fishing.
06. Organize flies by Water Type
This organizing method is for them who usually fishes a variety of water types like rivers, lakes, streams etc. Flies can be put in such way as like for lower water depth, deep water depth trout.
The disadvantage of this organization style is: the fly boxes can get overlapped.
But the point is, you don’t need to carry multiple numbers of fly boxes on the water, actually, you can carry only a single luxury box with you to fishing.
But, here’s the thing. Keep that in your mind that, water temperature is an important factor, which can change the flies type you should use.
08. Organize flies by Your Own Choice
This is not an organizational style, actually. This is the for them who have been fishing for a while. It is a simple process.
Instead of choosing the right flies for right water temperature, right water type, just select 10-20 patterns of fly, put them inside a fly box and just go for happy fishing.
This organizational style can be effective on the local water like a small pond or river.
How to Organize Your Fly Box? You Can See the Tutorial:
So, you have been gone through a lot of organizational styles today. Hope, you got your answer the question you have been asking lately that “How to Put Flies in A Fly Box”. Let us know, what style you usually use to organize your fly box.